How to choose vegetable that are good for your health.

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Eating vegetable and fruits is good for your health. However, there are always two sides to every coin. If you don’t eat them properly, especially raw, not cooked with heat, because nowadays there are many chemicals or pesticides use on vegetables and fruits, when they are ingest they will affect your digestive system and other parts of your body. Therefore, during the Vegetarian Festival or if you are already a vegetarian, you should choose clean vegetables to prevent substances that are harmful to your health.

Maintaining cleanliness and safety when consuming fresh vegetables is important because. As mentioned above, fresh vegetables can be a source of germs and parasites that can cause infections in our bodies. This is why it is important that we be careful about parasites and clean them properly when eating fresh vegetables, as follows:

  • Shop seasonally
  • Choose fresh, high-quality vegetables. Avoid vegetables with cracks or rotting marks, as these may indicate that the vegetables may contain parasites.
  • It has natural colors, is not gaudy, โปรโมชั่น ufabet, and has no mold stains.
  • Check for holes, punctures, or insect bites. If there are, it means that no chemicals were use on the vegetable.
  • Cooking with high heat, such as boiling, frying or grilling. Will help destroy germs and parasites that may be on vegetables.
  • Look at the label to see the source, including the expiration date, month, year, or certification from a reliable organization.
  • Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits.
  • If you grow your own vegetables, use environmentally friendly growing methods and use as few chemicals as possible. Read the labels of the chemicals you use and follow the directions.

If you want to be healthy, you should eat about 400 grams of hygienic vegetables and fruits per day. It can also prevent heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer. Because it is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. However, residues in vegetable or pesticides cannot be see with the nake eye. Therefore, you must be careful to wash vegetables before cooking so as not to harm the body.