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How to manage your own stress.

Stress is an emotional state of people who have to face various problems, feel uncomfortable, anxious, feel pressured. Many times we are stress without realizing it because people tend to react to stress differently. Because when we are stress, we will show it through our

Warning signs of chronic inflammation.

Inflammation is the body’s process to fight against foreign substances that may harm the body, such as injuries, infections, and exposure to various toxins. When the body encounters these situations, inflammation occurs, which is a normal mechanism and will disappear on its own in a

Infectious diseases, a risk that is close at hand.

Infectious diseases are diseases or conditions caused by germs such as bacteria, viruses, fungi that enter the body through various channels, whether through the skin, respiratory tract, digestive tract, urinary tract, and sexual intercourse. Some germs cannot cause disease while the body has a strong immune system.